CLP Shares Sustainability Reporting Insights in WBCSD’s Reporting Matters

Nov 6, 2017 9:00 AM ET

The CLP Group shares its Asia Pacific perspective and approach to monitoring key trends for sustainability in the latest edition of Reporting matters.

In the World Business Council for Sustainable Development’s (WBCSD) annual review of member company sustainability reports, CLP highlighted the importance of tracking the trends that are changing the business landscape and the need for incorporating the trends into a company’s strategy to maintain a sustainable business.

“We recently developed an approach that includes: identifying relevant sources for global trend tracking; aggregating and then prioritizing the top trends; identifying the potential business implications of these trends for our industry; and identifying potential business risks and opportunities arising from these implications for the Group,” said Dr Jeanne Ng, Director - Group Sustainability.

This process, she said, would continue to be developed and refined as CLP sought to further embed emerging risks and opportunities into the company’s corporate risk management system and strategy development considerations. 

Another strength of CLP is mapping material issues and impacts along the various stages of the value chain in its Sustainability Reports. “The value chain impact map provides the reader with a more holistic view of our business activities and where potential significant impacts may occur across the value chain,” Dr Ng said. It is complemented with a Boundary Scoping and Materiality Identification process which is aimed at identifying the most material topics for all of CLP’s key stakeholders and all relevant business entities to be included in the report.

Check out the full story in Reporting matters and CLP’s Sustainability Reports here.

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