Changing the Mindset from Old Power to New Power in the Arts

It would be difficult to think of a field that is more old-power than the arts.

Closely connected with this old-power/new-power dynamic is the way that technology has been embraced in these organizations (or not). Traditional performing arts institutions are lagging behind other kinds of groups when it comes to embracing interactive technology in their performances, particularly methods that empower their audiences.

We tried a new-power approach to philanthropy at American Express with our Partners in Preservation program, which we sponsor with the National Trust for Historic Preservation.

After 11 years, this partnership has awarded nearly $20 million in preservation funding to 250 diverse historic sites in 20 National Parks, fourteen different cities, and 12 Main Street communities.

Impact That Resonates Everywhere You Work

CR Experts Weigh in on the Trends Shaping Their Regions – And the World

SC Johnson Entomologists Outline Three Tips to Help Prevent Mosquito Bites During Summer

Known for taking the fun out of picnics, trips to the beach and other outdoor activities, mosquitoes especially earn their annoying reputation during warm summer months. Marking the start of National Mosquito Control Awareness Week, the mosquito experts from the SC Johnson Institute of Insect Science for Family Health are offering three useful tips to help protect you and your family from mosquito bites.

A Recipe for Effective Hashtag Activism: A Conversation with Susan McPherson, Founder & CEO of McPherson Strategies

In this episode of the Champions for Social Good podcast, Rachel Hutchisson, vice president of Corporate Citizenship and Philanthropy at Blackbaud, speaks with Susan McPherson, founder and CEO of McPherson Strategies, about how organizations can effectively leverage social media activism to advance a cause.

Susan explains the best uses for hashtag campaigns and why social media activism sometimes doesn’t work, and details the steps to creating successful and sustainable social campaigns. Susan also talks about why hashtag activism has been a powerful tool for empowering women and girls. Finally, Susan and Rachel discuss some successful hashtag campaigns led by nonprofits and companies and what made them work so well, and what organizations need to do to successfully engage Gen Z.

9 Tips to Better Market Yourself as an International Development Professional

In her article, Siobhan focuses on ways that job seekers in the international development industry can better market themselves and their experience to stand out in a very competitive job market. She provides tips to improving resumes and online presence, leveraging an individual’s unique selling points, and conducting a more proactive job search. Siobhan also discusses best practices for interviews.

Advancing Your CSR Efforts in 2018: Start With These Great Reads

This year, there have been more articles about the evolution and growth of CSR than anyone could read. Jen Weston-Murphy, Associate Manager of Corporate Leadership at CECP, shares a few of the most thoughtful and important pieces I read from this past year. In total, they take only 45 minutes to read. These are the articles not to have missed.

Corporate Leadership, Social Progress

As the wild ride of 2017 comes to an end, we reflect on a year that was replete with loss and pain, but also a year when leading corporations have stepped up on major social issues.

Through CECP’s collaboration with 200+ companies, hundreds of monthly inquiries and discussions, proprietary surveys, and conversations with leading experts and on-the-ground practitioners, we see six trends as companies lead during these uncertain times.

How to Cook with Fair Trade Ingredients This Holiday Season (Plus 6 Fair Trade Holiday Recipes!)

It’s the time of year for gathering around the table, and with more Fair Trade Certified produce on store shelves than any other time of the year (hint, hint!), it's the perfect time to extend our gratitude to farming families around the world. While it’s true that most of your favorite holiday recipes can be made sustainably by simply cooking or baking with Fair Trade Certified ingredients, we’d like to share a few from own tables and foodie friends, ranging from easy to ambitious.

Welcome to... "Beyond the Blue"

Welcome to “Beyond the Blue” — a place where readers can get a behind-the-scenes glimpse of both the seemingly simple and highly complex aspects of Republic Services. This blog will explore what happens to trash after it leaves your curbside container, how landfills can be a source for renewable energy, our sustainability work with major sporting venues and iconic resorts and hotels, the intricate process of recovering oil from exploration and production waste, configured products and solutions for our customers, as well as tips on how you can be more environmentally responsible in daily life — and so much more. This is a place where you can learn about the people, operations and innovation happening at Republic Services.

Latest Campaigns

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    Environmental StewardshipBlack & Veatch's environmental stewardship commitments focus on managing our carbon footprint and climate change objectives...
  2. Weekly Highlights
    Highlighting the top news, commentary, and research for the week coming from SHQ. The highlights newsletter also spotlights one profiled organization...
  3. Principal Financial Group: Employee Engagement
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  4. Accelerating access to healthcare technology
    We believe technology can help close the world’s health gaps. By putting people first, we find new ways to advance health while reducing costs. And...
  5. Purpose: Moving for Good and Making a Difference
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  6. IWBI | WELL Building Standard
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  7. Purposeful Innovation
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  8. Northern Trust Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion
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  9. Press Releases
    See the latest new partnerships and announcements for CSRHub, the world’s most comprehensive CSR metrics database and analysis tools.
  10. Kingfisher Around the World
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