RW's Investment in Innovation: Doing What We Do Best, Better.

RW's Investment in Innovation: Doing what we do best, better.
It’s been 22 months and counting since COVID-19 locked most of the world down, and 561 days since the murder of George Floyd. While a lot more than that has happened in the last almost two years, these two events in particular changed not only the hearts of the Realized Worth team forever, but it also changed the way we operate.
What makes this work difficult (and so, so rewarding) is that it can never be stagnant. The CSR industry and the people in it are committed to progress – and progress doesn’t have an end. That’s why Realized Worth is made up of innovators, researchers, thinkers, contemplators, over-achievers, and advocates. Our work needs to be able to shape-shift when needed, become more efficient and effective over time, and ultimately, progress. This is our MO – progress, innovation. And this is what we’ve been doing – improving our work one project at a time, iterating on our method every chance we get.
Slow innovation is tiring, and Realized Worth is ready to change with the change. As a company, we are creating much-needed space for innovation with the introduction of our Product & Innovation team. Made up of product, strategy, systems, and consulting minds, this team is dedicated to the continual advancement of what we do bestto ensure that our impact can be as widespread and effective as we’ve ever dreamed. We’re committed to making our work more accessible, more inclusive, and most of all, more impactful.