Progress Made Real - Our Vision for 2030

Progress Made Real — Our Vision for 2030 outlines our mission to unite our technology, our people and our customers and partners for actionable results today, with a vision to create the best and brightest future. Inspired by Michael Dell’s vision to create technology that drives human progress, we are committed to protecting the planet, creating equal opportunities for all and serving our communities. This has been in our company’s DNA from the beginning, allowing us to make substantial headway. And yet, there is always more to accomplish. We remain focused on understanding emerging societal challenges and how to innovate for impact — so today’s challenges don’t define the next generation. Our Vision for 2030 — described at — represents our recent efforts to look at our world, our business impacts and opportunities, and outline a continuous path forward. We will focus on creating a positive social impact in three key areas: Advancing Sustainability, Cultivating Inclusion and Transforming Lives with Technology. Underlying all of this is our commitment to ethics and privacy. Each of these focus areas plays a critical role in establishing a strong foundation for our positive social impact. More at