CECP Insights Blog

CECP's CEO Daryl Brewster, other CECP staff, members of CECP's Board of Directors, and other industry thought leaders provide timely insight into trends and developments on the role of business in society.

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Research, Reports & Publications

An Unprecedent Study on French People’s Opinion on Philanthropy
On October 2017, Admical, a Paris-based NGO and the French Local Authority of the Global Exchange, published a first-of-its-kind study in partnership with the institute of studies Kantar Public, which aimed to understand French people’s opinion on philanthropy. How do we measure the awareness of corporate and individual philanthropy in France, how do people perceive philanthropists, and how can we understand the expectations on this subject?

Media & Communications

Advancing Your CSR Efforts in 2018: Start With These Great Reads
This year, there have been more articles about the evolution and growth of CSR than anyone could read. Jen Weston-Murphy, Associate Manager of Corporate Leadership at CECP, shares a few of the most thoughtful and important pieces I read from this past year. In total, they take only 45 minutes to read. These are the articles not to have missed.

Diversity & Inclusion

Women Roar and a Few Corporate CEOs Bet on Them
By far the best thing CEOs and their companies can do to combat sexism, gender discrimination, and sexual misconduct–in short, to support women–is to put diverse women into half of the positions of power and leadership. This is how we resolve a foul, permissive culture.

Research, Reports & Publications

10 Years of BISC | The Importance of BISC Research for the Corporate Social Investment
Comunitas, a civil society organization based in São Paulo, and the Brazilian Local Authority of the Global Exchange led by CECP, recently published the 10th edition of The Corporate Social Investment Benchmarking (or BISC, Benchmarking do Investimento Social Corporativo in Portuguese), a comprehensive overview of the achievements in this space over the last ten years.

Events, Media & Communications

Corporate Leadership, Social Progress
As the wild ride of 2017 comes to an end, we reflect on a year that was replete with loss and pain, but also a year when leading corporations have stepped up on major social issues.

Through CECP’s collaboration with 200+ companies, hundreds of monthly inquiries and discussions, proprietary surveys, and conversations with leading experts and on-the-ground practitioners, we see six trends as companies lead during these uncertain times.

Health & Healthcare

New Public-Private Partnership Promises Shared Value for Better Nutrition and Livelihoods in Nigeria
In Kaduna State, Nigeria, as in many parts of the developing world, post-harvest losses due to high levels of mycotoxins, such as aflatoxin, and other contaminants have plagued staple crops such as maize and soybean, making it much harder for small-holder farmers to earn a decent income. These mycotoxins also threaten the health and lives of humans and animals.

Research, Reports & Publications

CreateNYC: A Look at How NYC’s Cultural Roadmap Makes a Case for the Social Value of the Arts
In July, the City of New York released CreateNYC: A Cultural Plan for All New Yorkers, a first-of-its-kind comprehensive plan to establish New York City’s cultural roadmap for the next decade. The plan sets forth objectives and strategies for achieving a more inclusive, equitable, and resilient cultural ecosystem. It examines a number of issue areas including diversity, equity and inclusion, education, affordability, and health of the cultural sector that are essential to a vibrant, creative city.

Awards, Ratings & Rankings

The Arts Are Part of the Solution
October was National Arts and Humanities Month, a monthlong celebration of the role the arts and culture play in transforming Americas communities. To recognize the important role of the business community in advancing the arts, Americans for the Arts annually presents the BCA 10 awards celebrating ten businesses for their innovative partnerships with the arts.

Research, Reports & Publications

2017 Edition of CECP's Giving Around the Globe: Highlights and Findings
This year marks the fifth edition of Giving Around the Globe, a leading report that explores Corporate Societal Investment (CSI) insights and cross-regional strategies among the world’s leading companies. The report is part of CECP’s continued efforts to study worldwide trends and better understand how companies, whether headquartered in the US or internationally, are pursuing strategies to be a Force for Good.

Social Impact & Volunteering

Responding to Natural Disasters: Three Steps for Companies to Maximize Their Impact
In what has been an unforgettable year of natural disasters, companies have demonstrated that they intend to do their part to help devastated communities rebuild. The private sector has committed more than $300 million to date to relief efforts for Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria, and millions more in the aftermath of Mexico’s strongest earthquake in a century and the wildfires ravaging northern California.

More from CECP: Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose

  1. Investing in Society
    Developed from CECP’s original research; findings from the 2017 Giving in Numbers Survey, conducted in association with The Conference Board; and...
  2. CECP's Global Exchange
    The Global Exchange units country-based, mission-driven corporate societal engagement organizations to advance the corporate sector as a force for...
  3. CECP Trends and Reports
    A collection of news and updates about CECP's original research and insights on corporate social investments
  4. CECP's Investing in Society
    CECP has launched the newly digitized Investing in Society, an engaging, interactive experience that centralizes and draws themes from key corporate...
  5. 2018 Giving in Numbers
    Giving in Numbers, the largest, most robust, industry-leading and internationally recognized research of corporate social engagement of its kind, is...
  6. 2017 Board of Boards
    Leading CEOs who are a part of CECP: The CEO Force for Good –a coalition of more than 200 corporations collectively representing $7 trillion in annual...
  7. Excellence Awards in Corporate Philanthropy
    CECP's Excellence Awards in Corporate Philanthropy are among the most coveted awards in the field, drawing an extraordinary pool of applications each...
  8. Giving in Numbers: 2010 Edition
    Drawn from CECP's Corporate Giving Standard (CGS), which contains over $70 billion in comparative corporate philanthropy data from leading multi...
  9. Shaping the Future: Solving Social Problems through Business Strategy
    This groundbreaking report is the result of a collaborative project with McKinsey & Company; research included interviews with dozens of CEOs and...
  10. CECP Global Exchange
    Uniting mission-driven corporate societal engagement organizations to advance the corporate sector as a force for good around the world. Learn more...