Burger King Shaves to Show Support for Movember

Burger King Shaves to Show Support for Movember
November marks the start of the hairiest month of the year: Movember. During this annual event hosted by the Movember Foundation, men across the world grow out their ‘staches to raise awareness of men's health issues, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and men's suicide. This no-shave-November, one company is helping change the face of men’s health by changing their own.
Burger King’s mascot, the King, already has a full beard and moustache. So, in order to participate in the Movember Foundation’s movement, the fast food icon took a trip to the barber to kick off his #KingstacheChallenge. The King’s shave was captured in this ad, where he debuts a clean-shaven face for the first time. Fans are encouraged to follow the King’s transformation on his Movember profile, and participate in the #KingstacheChallenge by growing their own epic ‘staches and sharing on social media with that hashtag. Throughout the month, the King will show off different moustache styles – such as the Whopper Bun, the Grill Marks, and the Onion Rings – on the Movember Foundation profile.
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