HEINEKEN uses trains to reduce CO2 emissions in Brazil

May 28, 2014 10:00 AM ET

HEINEKEN uses trains to reduce CO2 emissions in Brazil

Brazil’s rapidly growing economy poses some significant challenges to logistics and distribution operations that are often under strain due to increasing demand. In 2013, HEINEKEN Brasil came up with a green solution to this issue.

Logistics operations in Brazil in general are challenging, with very long distances to travel and an under-developed road network. In terms of distribution, we must also compete with other companies and industries for access to delivery trucks. During peak periods, such as the sugar cane season, there is often a shortage of trucks.

For HEINEKEN Brasil, a solution to these problems needed to be addressed for the long-term. Naturally, we also had to look for options that fitted with our Brewing a Better Future strategy to reduce CO2 emissions.

Working together with several stakeholders, including a local Coca-Cola distributor and distribution logistics experts RG Log, we ran a pilot programme to begin using trains as an alternative.

In a period of just two and a half months, the analysis, the plans and the implementation were conducted together with key customers and the train company. The success of the pilot means we will see a continuation of this programme in the near future. Negotiations with potential customers are ongoing.

As an added benefit, we are often able to bring the stock closer to the customers by using rail terminals as stock buffers. We therefore reduce CO2 as trucks do not need to travel as far to the customer’s location.

The end result means we expect to reduce CO2 emissions by 302 tonnes annually with this new method of distribution, a reduction of 40% from current levels. We also provide a blueprint for other HEINEKEN companies to use if they need a similar solution. And of course, we are able to provide our customers with more reliable deliveries.

Click here to learn more about our approach to CO2 reduction.

Brewing a Better Future: It is HEINEKEN's strategy for creating shared, sustainable value: for our company, for society and for the planet. And it is fundamental to how we do business. Developed with our stakeholders and based on insight into global trends, our strategy focuses on the four areas where we can make the biggest difference: water, CO2, local sourcing and responsible consumption. These are underpinned by our values and behaviours: living our values, leading by example, and working together to make a difference.