A Look Back and Ahead for Yum! Brands Sustainability
Mar 11, 2024 9:30 AM ET
Planet: We Grow Sustainably

Originally published by Yum! Brands CSO Jon Hixson on LinkedIn
2023 Recognition
Proud of Yum for our recognition from CDP on our climate, water and deforestation efforts. 2023's scores were highest ever across all three CDP categories, with all areas receiving A's or B's. More to do, but a great journey over the last 7 years of continuous improvement. Great work by global teams in engaging with suppliers to help prevent deforestation (a critical element of climate work in global food systems), especially in areas of High Carbon Stock forests and landscapes.
Top 5 for 2024
- Focus on what’s most material: The evolving sustainability landscape requires a renewed focus on the top material issues. Yum is conducting our third sustainability materiality assessment, and our first assessment using the Double Materiality framework to set up compliance with new European Union reporting requirements.
- Meet increasing demands of regulation: The landscape has shifted for large global companies. Voluntary systems are being displaced by regulated frameworks, especially in US and Europe.
- Data, data, data: Not sexy, but the importance of good quality data cannot be underestimated. Simplifying what we collect to align with our material priorities is a must for the road ahead.
- Concentrate on the doing: The right strategy and focus is a key building block. But even more important is doing the actual work to realize the strategy. For Yum Brands, this means taking actions that are Relevant, Easy and Distinctive (RED) for our customers and employees to see. With more than 58,000 restaurants around the world, making sure that our markets have the capability to drive change, is where the rubber really meets the road.
- Be comfortable in the uncomfortable: Thrive in ambiguity was some of the earliest career advice I first received. It remains a truism for success. Much is changing in the sustainability space – the science is evolving, the innovation keeps getting better, stakeholder and regulatory pressures grow. One thing that’s certain is that we must get comfortable with the uncomfortable, to keep moving ahead!
Get your teams ready. Give grace and inspire for a great year ahead!