Zurich North America Reports on Success of “100 Ways” Program

Zurich’s Community Investment Team shares specifics about their charitable involvement and donations as its 2012 volunteer initiative comes to an end
Dec 12, 2012 12:30 PM ET
Campaign: 100 Ways

As part of its 100-year anniversary celebration, Zurich North America encouraged employees to volunteer and give back to communities through its “100 Ways” program. The program, designed to help employees complete 100 projects in communities across the U.S. and Canada throughout 2012, provided opportunities to volunteer time, raise money and donate food.

Catherine Komaromy, a member of Zurich’s Community Investment Team, reported that her team of approximately 30 people donated just over $17,000 worth of products and 835 pounds of food to various organizations including Public Action to Deliver Shelter (PADS) and Home of the Sparrow transitional shelter and several local food banks. The team participated in an “extreme couponing” activity during which they collected coupons for various items throughout the year. These coupons ultimately helped them exceed their goal of getting $4,000 worth of products for just $1,000.

Through fundraisers, cash donations and the use of coupons, the team was able to provide those in need with necessities such as clothes, toiletries, groceries and school supplies. “It is amazing what a small group can do over the course of a year,” noted Komaromy.

For more information about Zurich’s 100-year anniversary or volunteer efforts, please visit http://zurichna100.com/.