The Role of the Private Sector in Women's Economic Empowerment

The Global Business Coalition for Women’s Economic Empowerment (GBCforWEE) brings together a group of major multinational corporations - who were first convened in 2014 by Professor Linda Scott, Emeritus DP World Chair for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, as part of the Corporate summit on women's economic empowerment - to discuss how better to include women in the world economy.
These companies, who were chosen by Professor Scott because they each were already engaged in substantive women’s empowerment programs, gathered to explore ways to share learning, determine best practices, improve impact metrics, report findings, maximize resources, and work with organizational partners across sectors.
Professor Scott’s report distilling the discussions of the Global Business Coalition over the past three years will be launched on 30 November 2017, at Chatham House, the Royal Institute of International Affairs.
The report itself addresses a wide range of issues that will be of interest to government, intergovernmental agencies, global NGOs, and other corporations. Professor Scott specifically addresses the impact of women’s economic inclusion on business performance, as well as the ways that corporations approach work with other partners. Research designs and impact assessment are also discussed in the report. Scott’s core focus in this research, however, is on the role that business can and should play in this important cause, including, especially, the way forward to scaling up successful programs.
Click here to download the report
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