Redefining the Workplace Experience to be Exemplary

a blog by Debra Dailey, VP, Human Capital and Outcomes at Sodexo
May 3, 2012 8:15 PM ET
Debra Dailey, VP, Human Capital and Outcomes at Sodexo looks at Redefining the Workplace Experience to be Exemplary

Sodexo Corporate Blog

How would you define an exemplary workplace experience?  What would convince you that it’s not just a good idea, but an essential element in creating the workplace – and workforce – of the future? 

More and more clients are asking us to assess, design and evaluate their workplace experience. These companies recognize that the workplace of the future needs to deliver organizational value on more levels.

This thinking is evident in our most recent piece of research, the 2012 Workplace Trends Report, and fuels how Sodexo is redefining the workplace experience through toLive. Whether evaluating the utilization and design of the built environment or creating a unified service architecture to maximize human capital, toLive provides a user-centric process that helps businesses capitalize on multiple trends and dynamics evolving in workplace.

Through research and client engagement, our human capital experts have uncovered four key drivers that align with the workplace, workstyle and lifestyle needs of the organization and its people. Our collective insight shows organizations must create an experience that supports the employees’ ability toLive more Simply, Connected, Energized and Committed. These drivers not only taken into consideration what is trending now, but what will be trending in the future; and how these trends impact how people work, what motivates them to perform and what they expect to experience from their physical workplace environment.

Consider a few “what ifs…”

What if you could design a road map for your company to increase corporate agility by 25%? What if you can improve operational efficiencies by 20% or engage employees to be 59% more creativity in their critical thinking*?

Where do you begin to build a your own exemplary workplace experience? Visit to learn more and download Workplace Trends 2012, subscribe to our blog or take the first step in creating your company’s own Journey toLive by contacting us at You’ll begin to see how toLive can transform and redefine your workplace experience into one that’s exemplary. Check out toLive by Sodexo – it’s the future at work!



1 International Journal of Production Economics, 2009
2 Muir, 2005
3 Gallup, 2011