NRG Sustainability Report: Key Issues Assessment

NRG Energy's 2017 Sustainability Report
The voluntary reporting landscape is evolving rapidly. We aim to actively participate in enhanced disclosure of key issues and work to achieve transparency as we create opportunities for progress. Our investors, customers and other stakeholders tell us that sustainability reporting is a critical ingredient of productive partnerships. Incorporating environmental, social and governance issues in our reporting tells a clear management story and helps inform long-term decision-making.
About this report
This sustainability report is based on NRG corporate performance for all operations in calendar year 2017 and, where stated, “NRG” refers to NRG Energy, Inc., as well as its affiliates that include assets owned by NRG Energy, Inc. and NRG Yield, Inc.25 This, our eighth annual sustainability report, was developed with guidance of the GRI Standards at the Core level, as well as the GRI Electric Utilities Sector Supplement, which together provide a framework and guidance for best-in-class sustainability reporting. For the second year, NRG is a member of the GRI GOLD Community which supports our commitment to embed sustainability into our strategic decision-making and demonstrates reporting leadership in our sector. The report includes topics from the GRI framework for our sector that are deemed priority issues to the company. The scope of this report is primarily contained within the calendar year 2017, but some long-term projects and goals are discussed. NRG publishes a corporate sustainability report annually in both static and interactive PDF format. The NRG website provides visitors the latest news and events around the company’s social, economic and environmental initiatives. See the GRI Standards table for a full list.
Click here to see NRG Energy's full 2017 Sustainability Report.