How Do We #RebuildBetter? Brendan Bechtel Interviews Maryland Governor Larry Hogan
By: Brian James, Business Communications Specialist

Listen in as Brendan Bechtel speaks with Maryland Governor Larry Hogan on behalf of the Business Roundtable about the impact of COVID 19 on infrastructure initiatives, the importance of digital infrastructure – especially building out broadband in rural areas – and how private businesses, labor, and policymakers can unite to rebuild the American economy.
Brendan leads the Business Roundtable (BRT) Infrastructure Committee. Governor Hogan is the Immediate Past Chair of the National Governors Association.
The Business Roundtable is a proud sponsor of United for Infrastructure. Now in its eighth year, United for Infrastructure works to educate the public and policymakers about the importance of infrastructure to the nation’s economy, workers, and communities to ensure that our nation’s infrastructure meets the needs of every American – both now and for future generations.
Visit to learn more.