Scotts Miracle-Gro | Environment Improvement

Earth's beauty and resources should be appreciated now and preserved for generations to come. Discover the stewardship initiatives underway to protect our shared natural resources, particularly water and natural habitats. We are helping waterways remain safe from harmful algal blooms, creating resiliency to drought, and stemming the loss of key pollinator species. Together, these all contribute to making our backyards and communities more beautiful, bountiful, and in tune with nature.  

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ScottsMiracle-Gro: Rising Temperatures, Greener Spaces
Whether turfgrass, native plants or trees, green spaces are essential to the environment. According to Lawn Institute, they play a vital role in providing recreation, relaxation, and social interaction, helping to foster a sense of community and wellbeing.


Where Sponge Cities and Backyards Meet - with ScottsMiracle-Gro
There are endless possibilities to what a lawn can be, and we believe that caring for it responsibly is essential. Expanding beyond the backyard, the definition of what a modern city can be is also changing.


Alternative Lawn Love for Clover - with ScottsMiracle-Gro
As heat and drought are becoming more prevalent throughout the country, many are considering alternatives to traditional turfgrass. One promising option is clover, which offers natural resilience and requires less maintenance compared to conventional turfgrasses.


14 Grass Alternatives To Try in Your Garden for a Unique, Low-Maintenance Lawn Idea
Last summer clover lawns took off as a gardening trend, and if you still want a luscious green feel on your lawn, they really are one of the best alternatives to grass. Besides being a far cheap and more low-maintenance lawn option, they're also far prettier too.


ScottsMiracle-Gro: Stay Connected With Nature Through Fall Gardening
Gardening has many positive physical and mental benefits, so don’t miss out on the opportunity to keep them going during the fall season.


ScottsMiracle-Gro: 8 Unexpected Benefits of Growing Clover in Your Yard
If come every spring you begin to sigh at the emerging clover in your lawn, you might want to reframe those negative thoughts.


Scotts Miracle Gro: Conscientious About Natural Resources
The very definition of what a lawn can be is changing, and we believe that caring for it responsibly is essential. It’s possible to have a great outdoor space to enjoy while being mindful and conscientious about natural resources.


ScottsMiracle-Gro: Hardscaping in Hot and Dry Climates
In some drought-prone regions, people are replacing traditional lawns and landscaping with patios, walkways and other architectural features known as hardscaping.


The Scotts Miracle-Gro Foundation Meets With Leading Environmental Partners to Discuss Environmental Justice, Water Quantity and Quality Solutions
As the country faces a variety of environmental issues including water quantity and water quality, The Scotts Miracle-Gro Foundation is convening its National Partner Network Annual Meeting to discuss solutions.


Parks for Pollinators BioBlitz Campaign Continues to Advance Pollinator Protection With Support From NRPA and The Scotts Miracle-Gro Foundation
To help protect the local pollinators that are critical to our ecosystems and food supply, The National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) and The Scotts Miracle-Gro Foundation are hosting the third annual Parks for Pollinators BioBlitz during September.
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