ScottsMiracle-Gro | Youth Empowerment

Every student deserves a chance to reach their full potential and achieve social and economic mobility. ScottsMiracle-Gro is committed to nurturing the next generation of leaders, problem-solvers and entrepreneurs by providing experiential learning opportunities and one-on-one mentoring to help students build a roadmap for future success.

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Philanthropy & Cause Initiatives

Scotts Announces Partnership With Every Kid Sports
Our Scotts brand has kicked off a multi-year partnership with Every Kid Sports, a national nonprofit organization, to financially support income-restricted families by funding youth sports registration fees through The Every Kid Sports Pass.


Legacy Project Helps Students Navigate a Smooth Future
Through The Legacy Project, selected students receive individualized coaching, tuition opportunities, and hands-on career exposure.

Philanthropy & Cause Initiatives

ScottsMiracle-Gro Celebrates First Graduating Class of The Legacy Project
On a cold January weekend in 2018, 17 high school freshmen began their journey as the pilot class of The Legacy Project

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

ScottsMiracle-Gro's Purpose: To GroMoreGood Everywhere
Someone once asked what I’m most proud of when it comes to ScottsMiracle-Gro, and it’s not our brands or industry leadership. It’s about being a part of something bigger, being part of an organization that is rooted in family and in purpose.
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  2. Scotts Miracle-Gro | Community Enhancement
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  3. ScottsMiracle-Gro | GroMoreGood Purpose
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  4. ScottsMiracle-Gro | Youth Empowerment
    Every student deserves a chance to reach their full potential and achieve social and economic mobility. ScottsMiracle-Gro is committed to nurturing...
  5. Scotts Miracle-Gro | Environment Improvement
    Earth's beauty and resources should be appreciated now and preserved for generations to come. Discover the stewardship initiatives underway to protect...
  6. ScottsMiracle-Gro's 2021 Corporate Responsibility Report
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  7. ScottsMiracle-Gro’s 2020 Corporate Responsibility Report
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  8. ScottsMiracle-Gro 2019 Corporate Social Responsibility Report
    As the world’s leading provider of consumer lawn and garden products and North America’s largest provider of hydroponic growing products, The Scotts...
  9. ScottsMiracle-Gro Corporate Social Responsibility Report Archive: 2018
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