Building Resiliency through Pro Bono: A Taproot Foundation Pro Bono Project Guide
While Taproot will never be able to predict what challenge is coming next, we do know that pro bono can help your organization prepare to face it.

Building Resiliency through Pro Bono: A Taproot Foundation Pro Bono Project Gui…
This Pro Bono Week, Taproot Foundation is highlighting our collective role in rebuilding our communities through the power of pro bono.
The past months have tested us. Yet through it all, nonprofits like yours have risen to meet the challenge, leading rebuilding and recovery efforts for communities around the globe. From providing healthcare to increasing access to education to fighting for racial equity—the work of social good organizations has never been more critical. But despite being called on to address ever-growing community needs, nonprofits are facing shifts in traditional funding and decreased access to in-person volunteer support.
While Taproot will never be able to predict what challenge is coming next, we do know that pro bono can help your organization prepare to face it.
In the months following the COVID-19 outbreak, we surveyed our nonprofit community members to reflect on their immediate crisis-response needs. We also asked what resources or support they required to continue providing services to community members in the 6-12 months following the outset of the pandemic. In Building Resiliency Through Pro Bono, we dig into insights from this survey and identify the types of pro bono that can support your efforts to build the strategy, infrastructure, and efficiencies you need to become a more sustainable, resilient organization. We also share stories and tips from nonprofits whose work with skilled volunteers has helped them weather the storms by strengthening internal capacity.
This resource was supported in part by American Express.