5 Ways To Make a Difference During the Holidays
Join Taproot's winter volunteerism drive to get nonprofits the resources they need

November 8, 2023 /3BL/ - The holiday season is a critical period for nonprofits as they fundraise for resources to fuel their mission in the coming year. Unfortunately, 2023 has been a tougher year than most for resource-raising, as social good organizations globally report historically low levels of volunteerism and financial donations. In response to these sector-wide challenges, Taproot Foundation has kicked off a holiday volunteerism drive to help nonprofit organizations connect with crucial resources during this season of giving.
This winter, the Taproot team is mobilizing professionals from advertising, design, finance, HR, IT, marketing, ops, strategy, and tech in support of social good causes—connecting people with impactful ways to donate time and talents during this season of giving. There are currently 400+ organizations searching for support through Taproot's free-to-use nonprofit and volunteer match-making platform, with opportunities to give back to teams working to end hunger, advance education access, protect animals, and more! Skill donations are flexible depending on your schedule, virtual, and begin at just one hour. Here are five ways you can make a difference this month:
- Indicate interest in donating your professional expertise to social causes by creating your Taproot volunteer profile. Taproot is committed to resource equity for nonprofits and never charges social good organizations a fee for accessing services. With your account, you'll have the opportunity to support organizations from a huge range of budget sizes, locations, mission areas, and more.
- Donate an hour of skills to see if pro bono consulting is for you! Currently, Taproot has 100+ social good partners seeking brainstorming and problem-solving support through a one-hour consultation call. Each call equals $195 in donated impact towards the organization's mission.
- Join Taproot's special #GivingTuesday event on November 28. During this live event, Taproot staff will be sharing skills-based volunteering best practices and finding you skill donation opportunities that line up with your social interests and professional expertise.
- Help Taproot increase support for important missions by advocating for nonprofits. If you don't have room in your budget to contribute financially or time in your schedule to donate professional expertise to your favorite causes, use your voice and social media platforms to shout out how folks can support their mission.
- Support Taproot's mission to get nonprofits the support they need, for free, with a donation. Every gift fuels Taproot’s mission as the leader in catalyzing change through pro bono service, amplifying impact by creating community connections.
Taproot is a US-based nonprofit that helps mission-driven organizations amplify their impact by mobilizing skilled volunteers to advance resource equity. Since 2001, our community has served over 19,000 social change organizations and provided almost 2 million hours of service worth over $300 million. By ensuring nonprofits have access to skilled resources at no cost, we facilitate HR, finance, marketing, and strategy projects that can help them achieve their mission. Volunteers get to support causes they care about in meaningful ways. And the corporations we help to develop skilled volunteering programs boost employee engagement and support their local communities and causes their teams care about.