Barclays Sponsors Women's Business Council Report to Explore UK Skills Gap
Staying On: The Age of Success

For a long time, organisations have focused on young generations as a way to bring in new talent. Recruitment trends emphasise the hiring and retention of millennials, despite the fact that our population is formed of multiple generations and that the workforce is ageing. We are also seeing changes in the needs of the workforce, with more workers needing time out of work for various reasons at different points in their career. How can we ensure we are not missing or excluding this talent?
This Staying On publication aims to give some answers to that question. It has been developed by Barclays in collaboration with the Women’s Business Council, with valuable input from other UK businesses and Women’s Business Council members.
Staying On takes the form of an agile set of tools, guidelines and best practices that provides business leaders, managers and HR professionals with insights on how to optimise attracting and recruiting older talent. This is a change programme that will define the ‘new normal’ in terms of the way we all work longer and later in life as ‘traditional’ life stages evolve.