Your Gift Makes "Unadoptable" Unacceptable

Dec 12, 2017 1:00 PM ET

To meet CJ today, you’d never know there was a time when he didn’t speak, that he feared his food would be taken away or that he would use negative behaviors to protect himself. Today, when you meet CJ he will tell you he likes to eat dinner with his family and that he loves his dog. CJ can tell you these things because he was adopted by his mom, Dee. CJ has autism, but Dee never lets that define her son. She showers him with the love that every child deserves and after a while, CJ realized that she wasn’t going to leave, there would always be dinner on the table and he was safe.

Today there are more than 117,000 children in the U.S., who unlike CJ, are still waiting in foster care to be adopted. Your support can help to find loving, permanent homes for each one. Click here to make your gift today.