America's Charities
America's Charities inspires employees and organizations to support the causes they care about. We help nonprofits fundraise unrestricted, sustainable dollars through the workplace, and we help employers achieve their giving, engagement, and social impact goals. We do this to bring more resources to the nonprofits that are changing our world.
Who we serve:
- Charities – We help charities fundraise recurring, unrestricted, sustainable dollars through the workplace. Click here for a printable list of our members.
- Employers – We help employers achieve their giving, engagement, and social impact goals. Employers seeking to build or boost a strong culture; engage their employees and help them find purpose and meaning; attract, recruit, and retain talent; and ultimately achieve better corporate profitability and social impact, partner with America's Charities to launch or revitalize their workplace giving programs. We offer employers a suite of employee giving software packages, tools, and resources.
- Employee Donors – Through our work with charities and employers, we inspire individual donors to connect with great causes, support nonprofits in a recurring, sustainable manner, and make a personal, social impact.
Core Services:
- We offer a full suite of employee giving and engagement tools, including easy-to-use workplace giving technology platforms ranging from a straightforward, out-of-the-box option, to a comprehensive platform that integrates matching gifts, employee volunteering, cause campaigns, and more. Each of our solutions is tailored to fit an employer's specific needs and social impact goals, and deliver personalized, highly social online giving experiences.
- We generate sustainable unrestricted financial support for member charities through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), state and local giving campaigns and private sector workplace giving campaigns.
- We provide charitable funds management services to nonprofits and private and public sector employers while maintaining a resolute commitment to transparency and accountability.
- We provide comprehensive consulting services with expertise in employee engagement, corporate social responsibility (CSR), workplace giving program and strategy development, benchmarking, analysis, and more.
- We help companies support their employees in times of distress and hardship through Employee Assistance Funds (EAFs), also known as Employee Relief Funds or Employee Crisis Funds. By working with us, a company increases its flexibility around the types of hardships the fund can cover and lowers its administrative burdens.
Since 1980, our collective experience and ability to provide the highest level of personal service and expert consulting to our member charities and employer clients has resulted in more than $750 million for more than 25,000 nonprofits through federal, state and local government, and corporate workplace giving programs.