Why Leaders Must Erase the Stigma Against Taking Time Off
Sarah Plaster, Aflac’s organizational comms director, unpacks the top findings of ‘The 2021-2022 Aflac WorkForces Report.’
Nov 12, 2021 9:00 AM ET
Duckprints in the Workplace

Originally published on Ragan Communications
As remote and hybrid work arrangements blurred the boundaries of work/life balance, internal communicators have struggled with how to address burnout—and communicate solutions up the corporate ladder.
Aflac’s 2021-2022 WorkForces Report offers insights about what organizational practices are contributing to burnout—and shines a light on the role communicators have to play in promoting internal culture and worker health.
Ahead of her panel at Ragan’s Future of Communications Conference on Nov. 17, we caught up with Sarah Plaster, director of organizational communications at Aflac, to learn what resonated most with her from the report—and what surprises the data has revealed.