Virtual Dialogue Tunisia: Effective Private Sector Engagement in Development Cooperation
Implementing the Kampala Principles in Tunisia

ISTANBUL, January 27, 2022 /3BL Media/ - A multistakeholder ‘Action Dialogue’ on private sector engagement in development cooperation will be held online on February 2 with the participation of government representatives, development partners and private sector actors in Tunisia. This will be followed by an hour-long workshop with representatives from the local Tunisian business community on the same theme.
The Action Dialogue is hosted by UNDP’s Business Call to Action, the Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation in partnership with Germany and is dedicated to the country-level implementation of the Kampala Principles. The Kampala Principles are a set of five mutually reinforcing principles designed by and for the business community, governments in developing countries and their development partners/donors, civil society, and other stakeholders, to enhance the effectiveness of development partnerships with the private sector at the country level.
Learn more about the Kampala Principles and development cooperation with the private sector here.
The aim of the session is to better understand the perspective of governments, development partners, private sector, civil society organizations, and trade unions involved in private sector engagement in development cooperation in Tunisia regarding the integration of the Kampala Principles in business and partnership practices.
The session will touch upon what drives businesses to engage in development cooperation partnerships and what can be done by all actors to make development cooperation more effective.
“The private sector’s engagement in development cooperation is particularly critical as a core partner with valuable knowledge and experience on how to scale solutions. It’s not what we do, but how we work together to do it. Therefore, we are keen on mobilizing and activating the private sector towards sustainable development, increasing effectiveness in private sector engagement in development cooperation – a key pillar of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,” said Uta Böllhoff, Deputy Director-General at the Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Germany.
Details on the Action Dialogue:
The Action Dialogue will consist of a one-hour session to be opened with a brief introduction of the Kampala Principles by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), followed by a case study pioneering the implementation of the Kampala Principles at the country level, and leading into a discussion panel with representatives from the private sector, government, development partners, trade unions, and civil society about the challenges and the opportunities for the implementation of the Kampala Principles in Tunisia.
Following the Action Dialogue, a one-hour workshop will be held with representatives from the local business community to unpack and discuss the Kampala Principles further from a private sector perspective.
“Given the cooperation needed for COVID response and recovery, the need for diverse stakeholders to come together to share knowledge and experience and develop innovative solutions to leave no one behind is vital. We encourage the local businesses community to attend the session to bring forth their perspective on how partnerships for development cooperation can be more effective,” said Luciana Aguiar, Head of UNDP Business Call to Action.
Local government representatives, civil society organizations, private sector actors, trade unions, and development partners operating in Tunisia are encouraged to attend and can sign up here.
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About GPEDC: The Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation (GPEDC) is the primary multi-stakeholder vehicle for driving development effectiveness, to "maximize the effectiveness of all forms of co-operation for development for the shared benefits of people, planet, prosperity and peace." It brings together governments, bilateral and multilateral organizations, civil society, the private sector and representatives from parliaments and trade unions among others, who are committed to strengthening the effectiveness of their partnerships for development. It supports practical implementation of effective development co-operation principles, promotes mutual accountability, and works to sustain political momentum for more effective co-operation and partnerships.
About Business Call to Action: Launched at the United Nations in 2008, Business Call to Action is UNDP’s global inclusive business platform advancing core business solutions for development. BCtA recognizes and advances inclusive businesses with a clear commitment to benefiting people in low and middle-income markets while advancing the Sustainable Development Goals.