Qualcomm’s 2023 Corporate Responsibility Report: Our Corporate Responsibility Governance
Our governance structure is designed to facilitate accountability, transparency and the ongoing improvement of our programs.

Originally published in Qualcomm's 2023 Corporate Responsibility Report
We’ve integrated corporate responsibility throughout our business, from our daily operations to our executive leadership and our Board of Directors (Board).
The Governance Committee of our Board provides oversight on ESG matters not delegated to other Board committees, including ESG policies, programs and initiatives. The HR and Compensation Committee of our Board provides oversight on our human capital initiatives and our workforce DEI policies, programs and initiatives. The Audit Committee of our Board provides oversight of our ESG disclosure controls and procedures, as well as the Company’s information technology (IT) security/cybersecurity policies, risk mitigation and recovery plans.
Given the increased focus on ESG issues, in 2023, we strengthened and further consolidated our ESG committees and governance process. The ESG Leadership Committee, chaired by the Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO), provides guidance on global corporate responsibility issues, reviews progress on our goals, discusses risks and corresponding mitigation activities and provides oversight of external reporting. The ESG Leadership Committee is also responsible for ensuring that ESG continues to remain a visible component of our business strategy. It is composed of executives from Finance, Global Affairs, Human Resources (HR), Legal and other senior management representatives are periodically invited for updates, discussions and engagement. The CSO, on behalf of the Committee, reports to the Governance Committee of the Board at least two times a year.
Our ESG Working Group is a cross-functional committee made up of business and functional leads who are responsible for the execution and coordination of activities, goals and key ESG issue areas. It integrates directives from the ESG Leadership Committee into company-wide programs, measures progress on achieving our goals and reports accomplishments and challenges. Our ESG Working Group includes managers and other subject matter experts from functions across the Company, including Cybersecurity, DEI, Health and Safety, Human Rights, Investor Relations, Legal, Operations, Supply Chain Management and STEM Education, among others. In 2023, it was expanded to include subject matter experts from key technology areas and manufacturing facilities. This change looks to create greater alignment with business development and ensure that all areas of the Company are represented to support timely and proper delivery of our overall ESG strategy and programming.
The ESG issues overseen by the ESG Leadership Committee and ESG Working Group include climate change mitigation and adaptation, STEM education, DEI, supply chain sustainability including forced labor risks, social impact programs, human rights, health and safety, sustainability reporting, policy and regulation and resource management, among others.
Our ESG team, reporting to our Chief Sustainability Officer, coordinates the governance structure and drives overall ESG strategy for the Company. The team looks at risks, materiality, regulation, peer benchmarking and stakeholder expectations to define plans and facilitate progress.