PT Freeport Indonesia Wins National Award for Sustainable Business Practices

PT Freeport Indonesia recently received the nationally recognized Sustainable Business Practices Award in the Highly Commended Category, making it one of the 20 companies and the only one from Papua getting recognition for its sustainable practices in the business sector.
The award was presented by Global Initiatives in cooperation with PricewaterhouseCoopers, the Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development, and the Indonesia Business Coalition for the Empowerment of Women. The Sustainable Business Award is for companies that have demonstrated commitment to community empowerment, good corporate governance, and environmental conservation.
PT Freeport Indonesia is purposefully working toward achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
To learn more about how Freeport-McMoRan is committed to meeting the highest standards of environmental stewardship, respecting human rights in all of their business practices and prioritizing the health, safety and well-being of their workforce and host communities where they operate, visit and read the 2021 Annual Report on Sustainability.