Prepare for Pivots With Support From Taproot Skilled Volunteers
WEBINAR: Build Capacity in 2021 by Teaming Up with Virtual Volunteers

Build Capacity in 2021 by Teaming Up with Virtual Volunteers
Thursday, January 28 at 1 PM ET / 12 PM CT / 11 AM CT/ 10 AM PST
Is your nonprofit planning for a 2021 full of program pivots, increased community needs, and new fundraising tactics? Partner with volunteers skilled in marketing, strategy, finance, data, HR, or tech for pro bono that will help your team navigate the months ahead and build your capacity to do good for years to come.
Join Taproot Foundation’s free webinar for nonprofits on Thursday, January 28 at 1 PM ET/10 AM PT for all the tools you’ll need to tap into valuable support from virtual skilled volunteers. During the event, you’ll learn how to plan for, request, and manage a successful pro bono project in high-need areas like communications, design, and HR. Taproot will also dig into how to connect with their online community of more than 75,000 experienced business professionals through their online pro bono platform for social good organizations, public schools, and small businesses.
REGISTER NOW and invite any friends or colleagues who could also use volunteer support. Taproot will save plenty of time for live Q&A—so the more the merrier! Can’t attend live? Go ahead and register anyway—there will be a recording sent to all registrants.
Access to this webinar and Taproot’s programs is free of cost for nonprofits, public schools, and social good organizations in the United States, United Kingdom, European Union, and India.
Thursday, January 28 at 1 PM ET / 12 PM CT / 11 AM MT 10 AM PT