Podcast: What the Data Says About the Future of Social Impact
Kari Niedfeldt-Thomas, managing director of corporate insights & engagement for CECP

Audio File
To understand the future of corporate purpose, we need to look to the data. Kari guides you through the numbers, insights, and new trends revealed by CECP’s 2022 Giving in Numbers and Investing in Society reports.
About Kari
Kari Niedfeldt-Thomas is the managing director of corporate insights & engagement for Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose (CECP). She leads some of the premiere studies into the current state and future of corporate purpose and philanthropy, including CECP’s annual “Giving in Numbers” reports.
More episodes packed with practical insight
To hear more from industry leaders - including Jen Carter of Google, Patricia Toothman of Splunk, Carmen Perez of Better Next, and Angela Parker of Realized Worth - on how to create blueprints for navigating a CSR career, building a social impact program, and adapting to changing times, visit Submittable's Impact Studio. You'll hear six episodes revealing a number of practical insights you can use in your mission.