P&G Releases Their 2020 Citizenship Report

Today, we released our 2020 Citizenship Report, detailing progress across our Citizenship focus areas of Community Impact, Equality & Inclusion and Environmental Sustainability – all built on a foundation of Ethics and Corporate Responsibility.
The past year brought many challenges but we stepped up – from donating tens of million in product, in-kind and cash donations to help with COVID-19 relief efforts to addressing racial inequality in the U.S. with our Take on Race initiative, to achieving important environmental goals like sending zero manufacturing waste to landfill across all P&G manufacturing sites globally.
“The past year is proof that Citizenship cannot be something done on the side; it has to be built into how we do business every day. Not only does it build trust and equity with consumers and the broader set of stakeholders we serve, when done with the right intentions and with meaningful actions, it drives growth and value creation, which allows us to be a force for good and a force for growth in our world that needs us all to work together,” said David Taylor, P&G’s Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer.
Our contributions have been recognized externally with recognitions from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation for Social Responsibility in Action, Forbes as one of the Best Employers for Diversity, Barron’s Most Sustainable Companies and Fortune’s World’s Most Admired Companies.
The stories of progress in the report demonstrate our commitment to improve lives every day – through our employees and our brands, with our partners and in our communities. Highlights from this year’s report include:
- Community Impact: Amidst a global pandemic, multiple natural disasters, a growing need for life’s daily necessities and with clean drinking water unavailable for so many, P&G continues to step up through our brands, our people and our resources to make a positive impact. During the pandemic, our priorities are to protect P&G people, serve consumers who count on our products to take care of their personal health and hygiene and create clean and healthy homes and support communities. We’ve donated tens of millions of dollars in cash, product and in-kind support to individuals, families and communities helping ensure that they have access to the everyday essentials many of us take for granted. We continue to provide clean drinking water through our Children’s Safe Drinking Water (CSDW) Program providing 17 billion+ liters of clean drinking water on our way to 25 billion by 2025. Our products are uniquely positioned to help in times of disaster. This year, we provided relief aid in response to more than twenty disasters including the Australian bushfires, flooding in India and Thailand, Hurricane Dorian in the Caribbean, devastating earthquakes in Puerto Rico and Turkey and floods and tornadoes across the U.S.
- Equality & Inclusion: We aspire to create a company and a world where equality and inclusion is achievable for all; where respect and inclusion are the cornerstones of our culture; where equal access and opportunity to learn, grow, succeed and thrive are available to everyone. We stepped up our ongoing efforts to advance equality for all people. We established the P&G Take On Race Fund to help fuel organizations that fight for justice, advance economic opportunity, enable greater access to education and health care and make our communities more equitable. And we continued our series of films that shine a light on inequality and spark dialogue, including: Circumstances, Estamos Unidos and The Choice. We created “Can’t Cancel Pride: COVID-19 Relief Benefit for the LGBTQ+ Community” as a virtual relief effort to help raise visibility and funds for LGBTQ+ communities most impacted by COVID-19. Our Company and brands continued to use their voice to advance gender and intersectional equality. We supported the TIME 100 Women of the Year project, spotlighting influential women from 1920 to present day who made tremendous contributions to humanity.
Inside P&G, we instituted a new global parental leave policy to further advance gender-equality by making child caregiving gender unbiased. And, for the first time, we reported progress on our aspiration to achieve gender-equal representation at every level in P&G globally and 40% representation of multicultural employees at every management level in the U.S. We’ve made progress – 48% of our global managers are women and 28% of our U.S. managers are multicultural.
- Environmental Responsibility: We’ve achieved 14 out of 16 of the environmental goals we set in 2010, and we will accelerate our progress as we work to deliver our new set of Ambition 2030 goals for brands, supply chain, society and employees. In July, we announced our latest set of climate actions — a new commitment to advance a series of natural climate solutions over the next 10 years that will put us on track to be carbon neutral for the decade. We’ve also committed that 100% of our packaging will be recyclable or reusable and to reducing virgin plastic in packaging by 50% by 2030.
We’ve accelerated our commitments to protect forests. Responsible sourcing is essential for not just our business, but more importantly, for the environment and people who depend on it. In our Family Care business, 100% of the wood pulp we use in our products is third-party certified to ensure forests are responsibly managed. For every tree we use, at least one is regrown. Our shareholders have asked us to issue a report assessing how we can further increase the scale, pace and rigor of our efforts on responsible forestry. We are engaging with and learning from shareholders and stakeholders who supported this resolution, and we will provide that report in mid-2021.
To address water usage, we know that the average home in the developed world is highly inefficient, using between 150 up to 500L per person each day, making water scarcity in large cities a looming challenge. We are spearheading the 50L Home Coalition, bringing together policy makers, technology innovators and cities to address water security and climate change, so in the future a person can live on 50 liters of water per day that feels like 500 liters.
We have issued a report on our efforts to have a positive impact on the world for more than 20 years, beginning with our first Sustainability Report in 1999.
The Executive Summary of our 2020 P&G Citizenship Report, a 24-page overview of the progress and stories, is available online as well as a detailed version of the report.