New Resources From Soar With Wings Support Student Emotional Health at Home and at School

Research shows that mindfulness and emotional health are critical skills for young students. Practicing mindfulness helps reduce negative mental reactions, like stress and anxiety. In short, mindful kids are less stressed and have an easier time focusing on school, no matter the learning environment.
Bringing emotional wellness into the classroom or home means that kids will have the support to develop the skillsets that help manage emotional reactions to situations. Equipping students with those skills means they are emotionally resilient and confident. With the all-new resources from Soar with Wings – a program from Wings for Kids, The Allstate Foundation, and Discovery Education – communities have access to additional tools that help them learn about social and emotional wellness while also having fun.
For educators teaching grades K-5, the following resources aim to help students build the core social and emotional competencies—self-awareness, self-management, responsible decision-making, social awareness, relationship skills—that they need to succeed in school and thrive in life.
Digital Lesson Bundles: Explore these NEW grab-and-go, free, standards-aligned activities designed to build the social and emotional skills of elementary students. Each activity features a step-by-step facilitator guide and presentation slides tailored to the K-2 and 3-5 grade bands.
Becoming My Best Me
Students explore the concepts of self-awareness and self-management through the lens of a growth mindset—or the belief that our skills and abilities can be developed through practice and hard work.Inner Strength
Students investigate the connection between inner strength and making the right choice and explore the concept of responsible decision-making through the lens of grit—or the disposition to pursue goals with perseverance and strength.Focusing on Me and You
Students explore the concepts of social awareness and relationship skills by investigating what it means to be mindful and how the act of being present can help them better understand their own feelings and the feelings of those around them. They practice focusing on others’ thoughts and emotions as they put themselves in other people’ shoes.
Extend these key social and emotional learnings even further new family activities. Parents, guardians, and caregivers are key contributors to children’s wellbeing. Help them build social and emotional skills that will strengthen them for a lifetime with meaningful, easy-to-use activities.
In Your Shoes
The activity provides an opportunity for family to reflect on life changes experienced due to COVID-19 and consider how all family members have been affected in both similar and different ways.The Family Diner
As a family, work together to transform a family meal into a special experience. Working together as a team, families explore how managing emotions, trying to understand others, and making positive decisions are all important parts of being a good team member.
Discover more no cost resources focusing on social and emotional learning at For Discovery Education Experience users, find even more content on the Soar with Wings channel.