New Report on Sustainable and Impact Investing Trends - Executive Summary

SRI Trends Report 2020: Executive Summary
From the US SIF Foundation
Sustainable investing in the United States continues to expand at a healthy pace. The total US-domiciled assets under management using sustainable investing strategies grew from $12.0 trillion at the start of 2018 to $17.1 trillion at the start of 2020, an increase of 42 percent. This represents 33 percent, or one in three dollars, of the $51.4 trillion in total US assets under professional management.
Overview - Since 1995, when the US SIF Foundation first measured the size of the US sustainable investment universe at $639 billion, assets have increased more than 25-fold, a compound annual growth rate of 14 percent. The most rapid growth has occurred since 2012.
Through surveying and research undertaken in 2020, the US SIF Foundation identified:
• $16.6 trillion in US-domiciled assets at the beginning of 2020 held by 530 institutional investors, 384 money managers and 1,204 community investment institutions that practice “ESG incorporation” — applying various environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria in their investment analysis and portfolio selection.
•. $2.0 trillion in US-domiciled assets at the beginning of 2020 held by 205 institutional investors or money managers that filed or co-filed shareholder resolutions on ESG issues at publicly traded companies from 2018 through 2020.
Read the full article and see the accompanying graphs all here --