New Holland Presents Best Practices at Career Ready PA Coalition

Supporting students and investing in the future of local communities is a key commitment at CNH Industrial, and the company is passionate about advancing STEM education for young people. STEM@Work team leader for the New Holland Agriculture brand at the manufacturing facility in New Holland, PA, Peter Caddick, was invited to present the company’s best practices for providing opportunities to advance career pathways at the recent Pennsylvania Department of Education Career Ready PA Coalition Virtual Kick-off.
The event brought together education and workforce champions from across the state to discuss and provide opportunities to advance career pathways for all learners. Participants included regional stakeholders from education, advocacy and non-profit organizations, business and industry, STEM Ecosystems, workforce, military, libraries, and state and local government agencies.
During a short presentation Caddick provided examples of the outreach done by the local New Holland campus team, examples included; High School internships, job shadowing, grants from the CNH Industrial Foundation, partnering with the local Junior Achievement Chapter, having senior management participate on the Boards of several community organizations and employee involvement in classroom career discussions. This was followed by smaller break-out sessions where participants from other businesses such as Google, UPMC, Siemens and smaller local businesses provided their experiences in advancing career pathways.
The positive feedback from the attendees on the benefits of businesses engaging with educators only serves to reinforce the need to find innovative ways to continue the work.