Menstrual Hygiene Day 2024: Kimberly-Clark Unites To End Period Stigma

Today, we celebrate Menstrual Hygiene Day, a global campaign created by our partner WASH United to promote good menstrual health and hygiene for millions of women and girls facing obstacles to reaching their full potential. #MHDay2024 unites nonprofits, governments, individuals, businesses and media for this important cause. The Menstruation Bracelet – a symbol of this movement - consists of 28 beads, including five red beads, representing the average menstrual cycle. Wearing the digital or physical bracelet shows that periods are nothing to hide.
Our Latin America team brought together volunteers from more than 10 countries through the regional Changemakers program to work with our Kotex® and Intimus® brands to make bracelets and donate them to partner institutions with menstrual hygiene education and female empowerment programs. We thank our employees for taking the time to educate and support more girls and women. #ProgressFeelsLike coming together to create a world where a period never gets in the way of any woman’s progress.