LG Experience Happiness: Guide to the Happiness Experience

Happiness is like a superpower. It influences our lives in healthy, creative ways, strengthening our connections with others and helping us achieve goals. But it’s not always easy. Even in the best of times we must work at it. Practicing the skills in this infographic can empower a better state of wellbeing, helping to manage stress and foster resiliency.
Learn more about our initiative: https://www.lgexperiencehappiness.com
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About Life’s Good: Experience Happiness
Aiming to enrich the lives of 5.5 million youth in the United States by 2022, LG Electronics USA launched a unique initiative called “Life’s Good: Experience Happiness.” Happiness skills can be learned, according to the Greater Good Science Center at University of California Berkeley, which has identified six skills that sustain one’s ability to recognize that life’s good: mindfulness, human connection, positive outlook, purpose, generosity and gratitude. LG’s award-winning science-based platform is designed to engage leading non-profit and academic partners including Inner Explorer; Be Strong; the Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning, and Discovery Education that help equip American youth with the skills for sustainable happiness. LGExperienceHappiness.com