Keysight 2023 Corporate Social Responsibility Report: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Spanning the career journey, Keysight’s DEI initiatives create a more inclusive and diverse workplace. As a test and measurement company, Keysight is committed to transparently reporting on its progress, continually assessing the efficacy of its efforts, implementing new initiatives, and actively engaging employees around DEI.
In FY 2023, Keysight made progress in each of its strategic DEI pillars of advancing diversity in STEM, assembling diverse teams, fostering inclusion, and creating a place to thrive. While the company had many successes, it recognizes the work is not done. For Keysight to remain at the cutting edge of innovation and stay ahead of stakeholder expectations, it remains committed to delivering better outcomes through heightened diversity, equity, and inclusion.
We believe that being transparent with data creates accountability and the company remains committed to measuring an expansive set of employee diversity data. In FY 2023, Keysight made progress across many key diversity metrics including moving towards more balanced representation. At the close of FY 2023, women made up 31.0% of the workforce, representing a 0.4% increase over the prior year. Underrepresented minorities (URMs), as a percent of our US workforce, grew to 44.4%, a 6.7% increase over the prior year.
We recognize that attracting and hiring diverse talent is one of the key levers with which we can influence representation. Therefore, for the third year in a row, the company set goals to increase the percentage of new hires globally that identify as women, and new hires in the US that identify as URMs. In FY 2023, Keysight exceeded both goals, hiring 33.9% women globally (versus a goal of 33.6%) and 61.1% URMs in the US (versus a goal of 50.1%). A portion of senior leaders’ compensation was tied to the achievement of these goals.
The representation of women and minorities in leadership continues to be an area of focus as Keysight seeks to advance equity in its promotion and succession processes.
In FY 2023, women in executive roles grew to 27.6%, a 4.2% increase over the prior year, while women in leadership roles overall grew to 25.2%, a 0.8% increase. URM representation in leadership grew even more strongly. In FY 2023, URM representation in executive roles grew to 31.8%, a 7.8% increase over the prior year, and representation in leadership roles overall grew to 39.9%, a 6.6% increase.
Providing competitive pay based on the role and experience of an individual is another critical element of creating an equitable workplace where employees feel their contributions are valued. Through a robust, data-driven benchmarking and compensation framework, Keysight conducts an annual, company-wide pay analysis. The company is committed to achieving pay parity across different demographic groups. In FY 2023, we achieved 0.98:1 average women:men compensation ratio globally and a 0.99:1 average URM:non URM employees compensation ratio in the US.
Advancing Diversity in STEM
Investing in STEM education is key to developing a robust pipeline of future technologists who reflect our diverse society. Keysight takes pride in the work we do to empower girls, women, and people from underrepresented communities to pursue STEM interests and careers.
FY 2023 impact highlights:
- Hosted hundreds of girls at Keysight sites in Penang, Malaysia, and Santa Rosa, CA for Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day — an annual event Keysight has sponsored for more than 16 years to inspire girls to pursue STEM careers. This past year, dozens of Keysight volunteers led teams of girls in a competition to design, develop, and decode communications signals.
- Progressed partnerships with six Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) in the form of scholarships, internships, corporate advisory engagements with company leaders, mentoring programs, career coaching, engineering lab grants, and equipment donations.
- Since 2017, the Apprentices Rising at Keysight (ARK) program has helped address the continuing need for manufacturing technicians via an apprenticeship program at Keysight’s Santa Rosa, CA headquarters. Apprentices receive education in the mechatronics program at the Santa Rosa Junior College as well as hands on training and real-life work experience through rotational job assignments aligned with their studies. Several graduates of the program have been hired as full-time employees.
- Expanded the company’s partnership with the Mathematics Engineering Science Achievement (MESA) association, reaching students at California universities through Keysight-led technical career development workshops and a scholarship program available to students engaged in MESA chapters. Keysight employees also acted as mentors to teams during the statewide MESA California leadership conference competition.
- Enhanced Keysight’s partnership with the University of Malaga, Spain through the launch of a co-sponsored engineering curriculum taught by Keysight employees and university professors focused on fundamentals of development and measurement of next-generation communications systems. In addition, Keysight partnered with the university’s Hedy Lamarr Women in Technology Chair to award female students an annual STEM scholarship.
Assembling diverse teams
Keysight works at the cutting edge of innovation. Harnessing the power of diverse perspectives and teams is critical to solving the most difficult technology challenges that enable breakthroughs. This is why the company remains committed to attracting a diverse set of candidates who bring unique skills and experiences to the company. Our goal is to continually enhance our workforce with people from different backgrounds, genders, races, ethnicities, sexual orientations, ages, and abilities. To attract top talent, Keysight is proud to offer a comprehensive, inclusive suite of benefits that meets the needs of our diverse, evolving, global workforce.
FY 2023 impact highlights:
- Set aggressive new hire diversity goals for the third year in a row. The FY 2023 goals were 50.1% of US new hires identifying as underrepresented minorities and 33.6% of global new hires identifying as women. Keysight exceeded both goals with 61.1% of new hires in the US identifying as URMs and 33.9% of global new hires identifying as women.
- Expanded the global internship program to attract a more diverse group of next-generation talent. In FY 2023, 33.8% of interns hired globally were women, which is 2.8% higher than the representation of women in Keysight’s global workforce (31.0%).
- Enhanced the company’s global data infrastructure by implementing data-driven, customized goals and action plans for organizations with the greatest opportunity for improvement of diverse representation and hiring.
- Enhanced benefits including a new, improved, and expanded mental health service globally, a new benefit advocacy and care coordination offering, a 401k self-directed brokerage, expanded transgender benefits, and enhanced fertility medical coverage.
- Launched a new mandatory training program for managers called “Hiring with DEI in Mind” which covers best practices and compliance for recruiting and hiring inclusively and within the law.
- Partnered with the US Department of Defense’s Skillbridge Program to place military service members in Keysight training programs during their last 180 days of service, enabling a smoother transition to real-world job experiences.
- Remained committed to building a diverse supply base. Keysight’s partner and supplier network shares the company’s values and adheres to its business standards. In FY 2023, we expanded the percent of suppliers who identify as small, veteran-owned, minority-owned, women-owned, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ)-owned businesses and actively source new partners to diversify our supply chain. In addition, we worked with one of our key contingent workforce suppliers to grow women and minority representation in alignment with Keysight’s DEI priorities.
Fostering inclusion
Keysight’s high-performing, inclusive culture is key to unlocking breakthrough innovations. Enabling this culture requires policy, practices, and resources that recognize and empower every employee to play a role in advancing DEI and taking inclusive action.
FY 2023 impact highlights:
- The entire Keysight workforce (100%) completed training on the fundamentals of DEI and the prevention of unconscious bias and microaggressions through the Working Inclusively curriculum.
- Implemented a racial literacy pilot through Keysight’s contingent workforce partner. Participants found the campaign engaging and agreed that their awareness of how different people experience and understand race has increased as a result.
- Maintained the myVoice program, ensuring Keysight provides employees the opportunity to be heard. This employee listening program measures key engagement areas and signals transparency. According to the results, 81% of employees feel comfortable speaking up if they see intolerance, mistreatment, bias, or lack of inclusivity.
- Keysight was certified as a Great Place to Work in the US for the 6th year in a row. Of the US respondents, 92% reported they were made to feel welcome when joining the company. More than 90% reported that employees are treated fairly regardless of their gender, race, or sexual orientation.
- Keysight employee network group (ENG) participation grew to one-third of the company via 18 groups across six countries. This included three new ENGs: Women’s Initiative for Success and Empowerment (WISE), Santa Rosa Caretakers, and the Colorado Springs Women’s Group.
- ENGs grew in impact, hosting numerous events throughout the year to foster development and networking within the company’s diverse global workforce. The ENG recognition program honored 25 employees for their commitment in leadership as group leads and with the ENG Spark Award: acknowledging the contributions of ENG leaders who step up to take on responsibilities beyond their day job to make a positive impact that furthers diversity, equity, and inclusion at Keysight.
- Introduced an expanded self-identification process in the US and Canada with updated and expanded options for ethnicity/race, gender, sexual orientation, disability status, and US veteran status. This expanded data is enabling the company to better understand employee needs.
- Keysight’s Society of Women Engineers Enterprise Program (KSWEEP) conducted an Allies program, involving 100 participants across US sites from a range of roles. Ten groups met monthly throughout FY 2023, each comprised of seven to nine men and facilitated by a woman.
Creating a place to thrive
At Keysight, creating a place to thrive means nurturing the distinct perspectives and voices of all employees throughout their career journey. Each person is encouraged to forge their own unique path, backed by support of practical on-thejob experiences, challenging assignments, and comprehensive development and training programs. With these ongoing investments in employees, Keysight’s workforce spans five generations and fosters multi-decade tenures.
FY 2023 impact highlights:
- Expanded access to employee development, a key tenet of the Keysight Leadership Model (KLM), through courses at top universities including a selection of DEI trainings regarding inclusive communication, interpersonal dynamics, inclusive decision making, leading with courage, collaborative leadership, and more.
- Continued to foster a mentoring culture with hundreds of mentoring participants, resulting in thousands of hours of mentoring through eight programs: Accelerating Women Leaders, Advanced Leadership Program (ALP) Mentoring, Emerging Leaders Program (ELP) Mentoring, Employee Network for Underrepresented Minorities (ENUM) Career Development, Intern Mentoring, New Hire Mentoring, and Open Mentoring and KSWEEP Mentoring. During FY 2023, 7% of US mentoring participants earned promotions.
- Amplified the role of Keysight’s global DEI Council. This group of representatives from all Keysight regions, business groups, and functions plays a pivotal role in promoting DEI across the company. It is essential for elevating diverse perspectives, addressing regional challenges, and disseminating best practices. In FY 2023 over half of the council’s representatives established dedicated DEI teams that design and implement tailored DEI initiatives, ensuring that efforts are responsive to their organization’s unique needs.
- Launched a comprehensive DEI toolkit providing tools and resources to enable all employees to ignite meaningful change. The toolkit is organized into 12 focus areas including design, recruitment, visuals and writing, cultural and identity awareness, allyship, terminology, and specific sections for managers and functions like legal, finance, and workplace solutions.