How Subaru Is Rooting for the Underdog and Impacting Pets Nationwide
Season 11, Ep6
Oct 26, 2021 9:50 AM ET
Subaru Love Promise: Pets

Originally published on Engage for Good
For more than 20 years, Subaru has supported pet-focused organizations that seek to improve the health and well-being of animals. With 68% of Subaru owners owning a pet and 50% of those having at least one dog, pets are a major pillar for Subaru. Through the Subaru Loves Pets initiative, Subaru has impacted more than 250,000 pets.
In today’s episode, EFG’s Alli Murphy is joined by Bridget Hanrahan, Associate Director of Marketing Operations, and Liz Edelen, Subaru’s Love Promise Community Commitment Manager to talk about Subaru Loves Pets Month (October) and National Make A Dog’s Day (October 22).