How HP is Working with Partners to Reduce Greenhouse Gasses and Creating a Sustainable Supply Chain

Sep 24, 2013 1:00 PM ET

HP Next by Tony Prophet

Hewlett-Packard has some great things to celebrate at Climate Week in New York this week, and I’m especially proud that today, HP became the first company in the IT industry to set greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction goals for our supply chain. This is exciting because it’s not just about reducing our own emissions: we’re challenging our supply chain partners to join us in this effort.

HP worked with the World Wildlife Fund’s Climate Savers Program to develop a plan to decrease our GHG emissions intensity by 20 percent by 2020, as compared to 2010 levels. This is an ambitious goal, but we’ll be partnering with our first-tier manufacturing and transportation partners to achieve these reductions through the following activities:

  • Business Incentives: HP will incentivize suppliers to set and achieve GHG emissions reduction goals through our supplier Social & Environmental Responsibility (SER) rating system.
  • Partnerships: With our manufacturing partners, we’ll expand existing Energy Efficiency Programs (EEP) – focusing on heavy GHG emitters like LC panel manufacturers – and with our transport partners we’ll create expanded efficiency initiatives. Our intent is that our supply chain partners feel empowered to prioritize the well-being of employees, communities, and the environment.
  • Reporting & Accountability: We’ll hold ourselves (and our suppliers) up to the public transparency by continuing to measuring and reporting our supply chain GHG emissions.

HP has one of industry’s largest supply chains -- what we do can make a big impact. Reducing our carbon footprint is the right thing to do, but we also hope our responsible supply chain will serve as an example for the broader IT industry.

This new GHG emissions goal is the latest in a series of positive initiatives by HP’s supply chain SER program. The CDP just listed HP in its Global Climate Change Report, awarding HP 99 out of a possible 100 points for its CDP Disclosure Score, and rating HP the highest CDP Performance Band: A.

We’re excited about these two announcements, but we believe the best is still yet to come. HP’s speedy, cost-effective, fair and sustainable supply chain is a key component to HP’s turnaround, and we’re continuing to improve.