HanesBrands Employees Give Back to the Community With Day of Caring Volunteerism
Employees will volunteer at 13 Forsyth County agencies on Friday, Oct. 27

WINSTON-SALEM, N.C., October 23, 2017 /3BL Media/ - Nearly 400 HanesBrands employees are set to participate in the company’s Day of Caring event, the finale of the company’s 2017 United Way campaign that raised $1.95 million.
The two-week campaign ends with employees trading an afternoon of work to help those in need. Hanes’ Day of Caring will take place from 1 to 4 p.m., Friday, Oct. 27, at 13 Forsyth County agencies. Volunteers will sort and organize food pantries, paint and plant garden beds, and complete other landscaping projects.
“At Hanes, our annual Day of Caring event continues to be a focal point of our United Way campaign, as it reinforces our commitment to giving back to our community to keep it healthy and thriving,” said Maria Teza, Hanes vice president and general manager of intimate apparel, and chairperson of the company’s 2017 United Way campaign. “Our employees look forward to giving and lending a helping hand to the local agencies that make a difference in the lives of the more than 72,000 people who are assisted by United Way funded programs annually.”
Hanes employees will be working at:
- Carver High School – organizing the HanesBrands/Carver Incentive Store, outdoor landscaping, and engaging with students
- Exchange/SCAN – painting, spreading mulch and planting flowers
- Salvation Army Center of Hope – beautifying flower beds and mulching
- Salvation Army Store – organizing clothing closet
- Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest NC – food sorting, inspection, and repackaging
- The Shepherd’s Center– landscaping, mulching, planting flowers and pruning
- Union Baptist Church – sorting clothing and organizing food pantry, general interior cleaning and landscaping
- Winston-Salem Urban League – reviewing resumes and conducting practice job interviews
- Jerry Long Family YMCA – painting picnic tables, planting flowers and spreading mulch
- YMCA Camp Hanes – landscaping
- Habitat for Humanity – assisting in the construction of three homes
- Goodwill Industries of Northwest NC – assisting with career search activities in the Career Connections lab and redecorating Ability Services lab
- Fear 2 Freedom – prepare supplies for aftercare kits
“We here at HanesBrands are extremely honored and thrilled to leave our mark on the community in such a way,” said Cheryl Lindsay, Hanes’ director, global diversity/ inclusion and community relations, and Day of Caring chairperson. “Each year employee volunteers are excited to go out into their community to donate their time and effort to enriching lives. We will invest 1,600 hours in the Day of Caring effort alone.”
Day of Caring culminates a two-weeklong employee fund drive. Other campaign activities included an on-campus kickoff celebration, employee sample sale, agency fair, and more.
Hanes has earned 10 United Way Campaign of Excellence awards for its fundraising and community volunteerism.
Note to Editors: The Hanes Day of Caring volunteers will work at the agencies from 1 – 4 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 27.
HanesBrands (NYSE: HBI) is a socially responsible leading marketer of everyday basic innerwear and activewear apparel in the Americas, Europe, Australia and Asia-Pacific. The company markets T-shirts, bras, panties, shapewear, underwear, socks, hosiery, and activewear under some of the world’s strongest apparel brands, including Hanes, Champion, Maidenform, DIM, Bali, Playtex, Bonds, JMS/Just My Size, Nur Die/Nur Der, L’eggs, Lovable, Wonderbra, Berlei, Alternative and Gear for Sports. More information about the company and its award-winning corporate social responsibility initiatives may be found at www.Hanes.com/corporate. Connect with HanesBrands via social media on Twitter (@hanesbrands) and Facebook (www.facebook.com/hanesbrandsinc).
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