Gildan Participates in Fashion Revolution's 2022 Transparency Campaign
Apparel maker Gildan keeps a keen eye on its supply chain in line with its long-standing commitment to respect people and transparency

Gildan is participating in Fashion Revolution’s #WhoMadeMyClothes campaign, a global transparency movement to recognize the workers who make our clothes. By centering their campaign around people, Fashion Revolution, a UK NGO, aims to make people aware of the behind-the-scenes activity of the clothing industry and increase awareness around the importance of transparency in complex supply chains.
“At Gildan, respect for people has always been core to how we do business,” says Claudia Sandoval, VP of Corporate Citizenship. “Our vertically integrated supply chain means that we directly employ the vast majority of the workers who make our apparel, giving us the ability to ensure their health and safety, facilitate their professional development, and more broadly, offer them a good place to work. Participating in this campaign is just one way we can proudly introduce our factory employees and show the world who makes our clothes."
Having a vertically integrated supply chain facilitates Gildan’s ability to be transparent. In an industry where supply chains are often called into question, Gildan’s strong oversight over its operations allows the company to manage day-to-day happenings in the facilities and ensure that apparel is produced respectfully. From yarn spinning to textile production and sewing, this year’s campaign will spotlight the people behind the steps in Gildan’s apparel making.
Starting April 18th, Gildan will be publishing small features of its factory employees from its facilities in Honduras, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, Bangladesh, and the United States on its social media channels. Stay tuned on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn to meet some of Gildan’s employees who are behind Gildan’s vision of Making Apparel Better®.