Explore Taproot's New Supplement to Transforming Technology Pro Bono

Pro bono service has the potential to shift technology adoption and implementation in the social sector. The Taproot Foundation, in collaboration with VMware Foundation, released a new supplement to Transforming Technology Pro Bono that will ensure nonprofits can maximize the impact technology pro bono can have on their organizations.
“Technology underscores everything at a nonprofit – from basic operations to innovative services,” says co-author and Taproot consultant Ava Kuhlen. “Successful technology pro bono projects require seeing the nonprofit as the customer. This means investing in discovering what the nonprofit needs and then designing a sustainable solution together that the nonprofit needs, uses and maintains.”
“VMware takes a customer-centric approach to accelerate its customers’ digital journeys,” says Jessamine Chin, VMware Foundation Director. “We see the growing gap in nonprofit digital transformation. To meet this need, our people can contribute their professional talents to co-create innovative solutions with nonprofit staff – driving positive social change.”
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