The Devil's in the Details with Federal Budget Cuts: Life Without City Year Would be a Real Devil

Mar 2, 2011 8:00 AM ET

Alice Korngold's Blog

“Students who exhibit at least one of three off-track indicators – poor attendance, unsatisfactory behavior, course failure in math and English – as early as the 6th grade - have less than a 25% chance of graduating from high school. Fifty per cent of our nation’s dropouts come from 12% (2,000) of our nation’s high schools.” These findings are from City Year, the nonprofit that is showing positive results in reversing dropout trends in the schools with the biggest problems.  The organization leverages the contributions it receives from AmeriCorps for a two-to-one match from corporations and individuals to cover its budget. AmeriCorps is funded by our tax dollars.

Okay, so we can identify who will drop out of school, we know how to put these kids on track to graduate, and it will only cost a teeny tiny amount of tax dollars. But beyond having tender hearts, why should we care if kids graduate from high school?

Continued here on Fast Company...


Korngold Consulting LLC assists corporations in building fully integrated, high-impact CSR strategies, including leadership development through nonprofit board service.  Korngold Consulting trains and places business executives on nonprofit boards, and consults to nonprofit boards and leaders to strengthen governance for financial and strategic success.
