hosts online CR debates
(3BL Media / theCSRfeed) London - March 28, 2011 - What is the future of corporate responsibility (CR) reporting? What are the big trends? These issues and more are the subject of a series of online debates being staged by as a part of its annual CR Reporting Awards programme.
The question of what makes a good CR report is far from settled. The CR Reporting Awards draws on the combined wisdom and experience of our 35,000 users to determine the best in CR reporting over the past 12 months. But that doesn’t mean that all questions are answered. In the interests of stimulating discussion, as part of our 2011 CR Reporting Awards programme we asked a number of leading CR experts to weigh in on two topics; all interested CR stakeholders are invited to participate in an ongoing discussion. These debates are: Topic A: In future, all good CR reporting will be integrated For: Robert Eccles and George Serafeim, Harvard Business School Against: Roger Cowe, Context Topic B: XBRL is vital for CR reporting For: Liv Watson, AccountAbility Against: Daniel Roberts, raas-XBRL We hope these pieces are the start of the discussion, rather than the end. Please feel free to join in the discussion – we would love to hear as many views as possible. You can view the debates and join in at’s Paul Scott said “Two years ago we held a full day of CR Debates at the Royal Institution in London. Our attendees were very supportive, and the electronic voting was a great success. As an extension of this initiative, we’ve now done what everyone does to include a wider audience and increase participation – we’ve gone online. To see our first two CR debates and become involved visit – more debates to follow!” These debates are hosted by, the CR resources website and provider of the world’s largest online directory of CR Reports. also runs the CR Reporting Awards, (CRRA). The CRRA identify and acknowledge the best CR reports and reward quality disclosure as a contribution to the raising of global reporting standards. The winners of this year’s Awards were announced at the Royal Society in London on March 24. Details of the winners can be found at http:/// A comprehensive CRRA’11 report is freely available as a pdf download for all registered users of at Free sign-up is available on the website. Ends Contacts For further information, please contact: · Anna Mason, Communications and Partnerships Manager,, email: · Paul Scott, Managing Director,, tel. +44 (0)20 7014 33 66, email: Notes to editors About the CR Reporting Awards 2011 Organised by, the CR Reporting Awards are the world’s only independent global annual awards for corporate responsibility reporting. The awards were launched in August 2007 to identify and acknowledge the best in corporate non-financial reporting. invited all companies with relevant CR/Sustainability reports to participate. There are nine categories, with one winner and two runners-up for each category. Voting took place online between 28 October 2010 and 28 January 2011. All registered users of were entitled to vote. Each voter could choose up to five reports per Award. Voters’ choices were saved online for them to revisit, amend and refine right up until the deadline. takes extensive measures to ensure the integrity of the voting process. For example, employees of participating companies are not allowed to vote for their own report. This helps to maintain the CRRA’s position as the world’s most independent and authoritative reporting awards programme. About CorporateRegister.comFounded in 1998, is the global CR resources website and hosts the world’s most comprehensive directory of corporate non-financial reporting, profiling 31,000 reports across 161 countries. Around 4,500 CR (corporate responsibility) reports are published annually and added to the current 31,000 reports profiled free and online on Used by 35,000 reporting stakeholders worldwide, the website also provides registers for some of the most significant organisations in the corporate responsibility field, including AccountAbility and the UN Global Compact. Access to is free of charge.