The Chicken and Egg Solution: GE Grants Fund School Science, Transform Standards and Train for Good Jobs

Mar 1, 2012 3:00 PM ET

The Chicken and Egg Solution: GE Grants Fund School Science, Transform Standard…

Science is “really boring when all you do is read,” said eight-grader Corinne Dietrich from the Erie School District in Pennsylvania. “You visualize it better and understand it better when you’re using all this technology in the classroom.” Dietrich was speaking to a reporter from Erie Times-News about school work that included incubating chicken eggs and analyzing the movement of a worm. “All this technology” was microscopes, graphing calculators, science kits and other tools that her district bought with help from a $15 million GE Foundation grant.

The money was part of the Foundation’s six-year, $200 million Developing Futures program focused of finding new ways to teach science and math to American students from urban areas, and ultimately improve their job prospects.

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