8 Ways to Lead With Love in the New Year
Want to make some good changes in 2021? Check out these simple ways you can better yourself, your community and our world.

As we turn the page to a new year, there’s never been a better time to come together, step up and act. Instead of making resolutions, let’s make 2021 the year of resolve. Here are eight ways you can Lead with Love to make a difference in your life and the lives of others.
1. Do simple acts of good.
This year, P&G and our brands are committing to doing 2,021 acts of good for our communities, for equality and for the planet. But even the smallest acts can make the world a better place. That’s why we invite you to join P&G Good Everyday, where you can help create meaningful change. You’ll earn points for rewards, and automatic donations to causes you care about.
2. Help fight the virus.
To get through the COVID-19 pandemic, it takes all of us doing our part to keep our communities safe and healthy. The simplest way to help is by wearing a mask in public, maintaining social distancing and staying home if you feel sick. Also, learn about communities where the virus is hitting the hardest and what you can do to help.
3. Recycle correctly at home.
When’s the last time you looked up your local recycling guidelines? Many people recycle, but are surprised to find out they’ve been putting some unacceptable items in the bin all along. The more you recycle the right way, the more impact it makes on the planet. Learn how you can become part of the recycling solution by recycling correctly at home.
4. Be a thrifty shopper.
Are you shopping online more than ever? Before making that next new purchase, check out your local thrift store or online marketplaces to see if you can find it used instead. By choosing gently used items, you’re helping to reduce the amount of waste in our world.
5. Educate yourself to advance equality.
More conversations and action are needed to advance equality for all people. To make a difference and create a better world for us all, we need to listen and learn from Black voices. Educating yourself on racial inequality is an important first step. Not sure where to start? Visit the Take on Race pagefor resources on race education, dialogue and action.
6. Donate blood.
Did you know the pandemic created a blood shortage in hospitals? If you’re not already a blood donor, find a local donation center near you where you can sign up. By donating just one unit of blood, you can save up to three lives.
7. Reduce water and energy consumption.
There are many little things you can do to make your home more sustainable. To conserve water, try limiting showers to five minutes or cutting back on how often you’re running a load of laundry. You can save energy by turning off lights and unplugging electronics not in use. Watch our videos on energy efficiency and water conservation for more ideas.
8. Support the LGBTQ+ community.
Pride Month is just one month out of the year, but there are so many ways to become an ally for inclusion year-round. Learn about LGBTQ+ history and how advocacy has shaped the community as we know it today. Discover ways you can show your support and turn Pride into action 365 days a year.
It doesn’t take big goals to make real change. Whether you choose one or more of these ideas, each one contributes to creating a better world for us all. So, let’s Lead with Love and create a great new year!