Tork Clean Care Infographic: Surface Hygiene

The Tork Surface Hygiene Guide is designed to help eliminate the risks by keeping up with proper surface hygiene
Sep 4, 2020 9:50 AM ET

Cleaning and disinfecting surfaces

Wear gloves

  • Wear gloves for cleaning procedures. Gloves should be discarded after each cleaning. If using re-usable gloves, they should be dedicated for cleaning and disinfecting surfaces of certain zones in the working area.
  • Wash hands immediately after gloves are removed
  • Dry your hands thoroughly with a single-use paper towel to prevent spread of microorganisms

Clean dirt from surfaces

  • Dirty surfaces must be cleaned first by using a detergent or soap, water and a disposable cloth prior to disinfection. Parts of bacteria and viruses can be mechanically removed this way.

Disinfect surfaces

  • To properly disinfect, use an approved disinfectant and a disposable cloth. If using an alcohol based product, use one with a minimum of 70% alcohol (i.e. Ethanol or Isopropyl alcohol). Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for all cleaning and disinfection products (e.g. concentration, application method, contact time, etc.) Do not mix chemicals unless stated in manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Check product expiration date. Expired chemicals will not disinfect effectively.

Read the infographic above for the completeversion of the guide.

Learn more about the Tork Clean Care program