Thanks to Amway One by One, Surf's Up for EVERYONE in Australia

Donations help remove barriers to surfing for scores of disabled children
Jul 10, 2013 4:00 PM ET
Campaign: #AmwayVolunteers

Surf’s up in Australia!

Who believes there should be no barriers for kids living with a disability?

For many disabled Australian children, it is has always been a dream to ride a wave on a surfboard. A $5,200 donation from the One by One Foundation helps purchase equipment to bring this dream to life. 

A local Amway distributor shared with us the great efforts of the Disabled Surfers Association in helping children to surf. Amway leaders chipped in by providing a beach wheelchair and safety devices.

The result is an incredible experience.

“Sam’s mum Fran has never seen him so animated. You can see the sandcruiser wheelchair with its big tires which can float and get across the sand,” said Ashley Gardner, Vice President of the local Disabled Surfers Association.

Surfing in Australia is one of our great joys and past times. These donations help remove barriers to surfing for scores of disabled children. And some wonderful volunteers make the experience possible.

Happy surfing for everyone!

Thanks to guest blogger Antonia Krunes for sharing this story.