Recognition and ThankQ at Qualcomm

Mar 5, 2021 10:00 AM ET
Campaign: Our People

As featured in Qualcomm's 2020 Corporate Responsibility Report

Research shows that recognition can increase employee engagement by more than 40 percent. With a strong recognition culture, employees are more likely to endorse a company as a great place to work, more likely to stay with the company long-term and more likely to feel committed to their job, manager and the company mission.

After the Company's Climate Survey identified recognition as an area of opportunity, we launched the ThankQ platform. ThankQ is an online social recognition platform and app that makes it easy and fun for all employees to virtually recognize each other’s great work, congratulate colleagues on their Qualcomm anniversaries and birthdays, and “like,” comment on, and share recognitions. Individuals can receive points for being recognized, and the points can be redeemed for items of the employee’s choosing.

Despite the challenges of launching ThankQ during the pandemic while the majority of employees were working remotely, in the tool’s first five months of use, 92 percent of individual contributors and 98 percent of managers and above registered to use the program and gave nearly 81,000 recognitions.

After ThankQ launched, pulse survey data showed a 10 percent increase in agreement with the statement that Qualcomm is a company that promotes a culture of recognition. Frequent users of the platform also experienced a 6 percent boost in morale during the same period.

Learn how Qualcomm is encouraging and empowering our people to influence the climate and culture inside our Company.

To learn more about Qualcomm’s 2025 goals and ESG performance in 2020, access the full report here.