The Purpose Imperative: Integrating for Sustainable Impact

Takeaways from the US Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s Purpose and Progress Conference
Dec 7, 2016 11:00 AM ET

The Global Engagement Forum: Online

The three “Ps” of sustainability—People, Planet, and Profit (or Prosperity—which engenders more inclusivity)—have become the standard for leading companies for a decade or more.  Aaron Hurst has just added a fourth “P:” Purpose.

Opening the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s 2016 Corporate Citizenship Conference, “Purpose and Progress,” Hurst, the CEO of Imperative and Founder of the Taproot Foundation, shared the research his firm has developed which explores the power of purpose for individuals and its effect on organizations toward creating greater productivity and innovation.

“Purpose isn’t a cause, a revelation, or a luxury,” noted Hurst.  “It’s an established segment of talent based on why we work.” Compared to employees who are status oriented or money oriented, Hurst’s research shows that “purpose-driven professionals are the most valuable talent:  30% more high performers; 40% more likely to be in leadership positions and 11% longer tenure.”

Read more at The Global Engagement Forum: Online.