Lowe’s Heroes Help Keep Dallas Beautiful Create Outdoor Living Spaces for Local Firefighters

Dec 1, 2017 4:00 PM ET

Lowe’s Heroes Help Keep Dallas Beautiful Create Outdoor Living Spaces for Local…

With funding and supplies through a Keep America Beautiful/Lowe’s Community Partners Grant, Keep Dallas Beautiful (KDB), through its "Adopt A Station" program, created outdoor living spaces at 23 fire stations in underserved Dallas neighborhoods in the fall of 2017.

Firefighters enjoy getting outside and cooking on their new grills, sitting around new fire pits on new furniture, and relaxing for just a moment on their new decks before they race to answer the next call. The renovations, which began in October, included habitats for pollinators, vegetable gardens, enhanced security via bee-attracting bushes, and even some outdoor games like horseshoe pits. Through KDB’s partnership with their local Lowe’s and Lowe’s Heroes volunteers, additional improvements will be made to the 23 fire stations in 2018.

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