U.S. Water Partnership

Around the world, challenges surrounding access to, and use of, water resources affect millions of people daily. Decision makers in the global water sector are challenged by limited capacity and access to actionable data and information on complex issues and competing demands for water resources. The U.S. Water Partnership recognizes that the United States has much to contribute to solving global water challenges, from water information and resources to experts spread throughout government agencies, the private sector, NGOs and academic research institutions. Until now, there has not been a single platform for uniting and mobilizing this expertise. While individual solutions to water challenges are being scaled up, integrated, multi-disciplinary solutions will result in more long-term value for both the U.S water sector and the international community.

Learn more at www.uswaterpartnership.org

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Leading Impact Investors, Water Experts Launch Water Finance Exchange
Leading Impact Investors, Water Experts Launch Water Finance Exchange
Innovative Platform to Close Funding Gap in U.S. Communities, Improve Access to Safe, Sustainable Drinking and Wastewater Systems


Water and Security: Expert Insights, Tips and More
Locking your car doors. Walking through a scanner at the airport. Examining a package before you open it. Denying strangers access to your house. These actions may come to mind when you think about security. But there are other aspects of our lives that demand a different kind of security – water, for instance.


Will the World's Next Wars be Fought Over Water?
California’s ongoing drought is one sign that we have entered some uncharted and uncomfortable territory. Of the fears that have risen alongside a warming planet, perhaps none have attracted more attention than the "water wars" hypothesis.


The Only Alternative to Water Is Water: Blue Peace for the 21st Century
Until a year ago, serious tensions were mounting in northeastern Africa. Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia were confronted over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam on the border of Ethiopia and Sudan. Ethiopia had started building the dam, claiming its rights to use waters of the Nile River within its territory. Egypt, “the gift of the Nile” objected, fearing that the dam would obstruct the flow of the river to its fields.


The U.S. Water Partnership and Its Partners Make Commitments to The White House Water Summit
Yesterday Ambassador Paula Dobriansky, Vice Chair of the U.S. Water Partnership’s National Executive Committee, announced the U.S. Water Partnership (USWP)’s commitments to the White House Water Summit. Ambassador Dobriansky joined with USWP partners Blue Legacy International, Global Water Challenge, The Water Council and Xylem Inc. to announce collective actions intended to promote new technology solutions and engage stakeholders across the country to elevate water as a national priority.


The U.S. Water Partnership and Atlantic Council Elevate Water as a National Priority
Leaders from around the world gathered yesterday at the Global Water Security Summit to encourage the U.S. to elevate water as a national priority. Ambassador Paula J. Dobriansky, Vice Chair of the U.S. Water Partnership’s National Executive Committee, announced the launch of a U.S.-Global Water Security Grand Strategy, led by the Atlantic Council and the U.S. Water Partnership. The strategy will articulate a “whole of America” approach to improving coordination and cooperation among the broader U.S. water sector to address pressing global water challenges and will be available by December 2016.

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Introducing H2infO

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U.S. Water Partnership Launches H2infO


U.S. Water Partnership Launches H2infO in Stolkholm
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