
Elsevier is a world-leading provider of scientific, technical and medical information products and services. The company works in partnership with the global science and health communities to publish more than 2,000 journals, including The Lancet and Cell, and close to 20,000 book titles, including major reference works from Mosby and Saunders. Elsevier’s online solutions include  SciVerse ScienceDirectSciVerse Scopus, Reaxys, MD Consult and Nursing Consult, which enhance the productivity of science and health professionals, and the  SciVal suite and MEDai’s Pinpoint Review, which help research and health care institutions deliver better outcomes more cost-effectively.  A global business headquartered in Amsterdam, Elsevier employs 7,000 people worldwide. The company is part of  Reed Elsevier Group PLC, a world-leading publisher and information provider, which is jointly owned by Reed Elsevier PLC and Reed Elsevier NV. The ticker symbols are REN (Euronext Amsterdam), REL (London Stock Exchange), RUK and ENL (New York Stock Exchange).

Flexible Media Releases

Call for Circumcision Gets a Boost

Could Depression be Treated with Botox?

Obesity Crisis in Gynecologic Cancer


Reed Elsevier Environmental Challenge
The Reed Elsevier Environmental Challenge awards prize money to two projects that best demonstrate how they can provide sustainable access to safe...

Reed Elsevier’s 2012 Corporate Responsibility Report
Our vision is to be a world leading provider of information solutions that improve outcomes for our customers and benefit society through the markets...

Elsevier Heritage Collection
The Elsevier Heritage Collection consists of over 2000 volumes with more than 1000 distinct titles published by the original House of Elzevier from...
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