More value from fewer resources.
It won’t be long before the world’s population reaches nine billion. How will we cope? Can the planet handle so many people?
Yes it can, but we have to do things differently. We have to use our ambition and imagination and deal more efficiently with the world’s limited resources. This is why we’ve adopted a Planet Possible approach to sustainability. We know only too well that our future hinges on our ability to do radically more while using less. That’s why we’re working with customers and suppliers to open up infinite possibilities in a finite world.
It’s our commitment to finding opportunities where there don’t appear to be any.
We’re finding more innovative solutions; we’re using more renewable energy and materials and less fossil-based; we’re focusing more on our entire value chain; we are actively enhancing lives in the many communities in which we operate as well as inspiring and equipping our employees to recognize new possibilities.
It’s about seeing opportunities where others only see challenges - limited resources don’t have to limit our vision or ambition. We can deliver more value to our customers while using less.
Welcome to Planet Possible. Our commitment to doing more with less.